Thursday 5 July 2012

picture from Best Start
Today was a very neat day. Every time I listen to Martin Liberio I get mad goose bumps because of his deep and profound messages. They strike you at your core. “Let them dance their dance.” In the classroom you sometimes wonder “what would Martin do?” I hope I get to see him live again some day!
Some interesting discussion about art today. Makes me more excited to inquire and share about creativity.  

I thought setting up a room with 14 people was going to be really uncomfortable. I was very surprised to find it was not. The whole thing went quite smoothly with some serious deep thinking, conversation, negotiation and team building. The process was much like figuring your relationship and classroom out with your first partner in FDK.  It's exciting to see the feel of the room being built. 

Some thoughts on getting along in FDK:
-have “courageous conversations” (sometimes it's hard to speak your mind but try) do this sooner rather than later
-don't take any professional disagreements personally - it's ok to agree to disagree
-find common ground (what do you agree on?)
-learn together with your partner, share ideas, listen to each other and be willing to take a risk 
-focus on yourself and your actions
-the process can be naturally stressful.. make sure you take care of yourself well while you get through the rough patches, there are always sunny times ahead

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